Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Science Fair Prodect

I had a science fair at school. I did Mentos and Soda. It was fun, but it would never win I was competing ageist the whole school! My teacher said I must have done an amazing job on my presentation, because when I came in from reuses their was a big shinny blue ribbon with gold letters that said 1st place! So on Feb.2nd I'm competent against distract.

1 comment:

Daughter of Eve said...

seriously..how could you ever doubt that you would win 1st place....afterall you have it all going....smart...good looking...good sense of humor...good good sister to your family and good good daugther to your mom and dad.....and of course only the best Kate ever born! YOU DID OUTSTANDING.....love you Gramma xoxoxox